Monday 1 September 2014

Arriverderci Roma !

Well we have just spent our final day on the Continent. There is a mixture of sadness at not seeing more, and a sense of inevitability that our homeward bound leg has commenced. It will be great to see you all again for it has been a long time. 

Today we had planned to go to the coast at Ostia Antico but our experience on the Metro put Pop off, and the weather turned cooler with several heavy downpours. We were fortunate to escape these by seeking refuge in a pizzeria and ice cream shop. (It could have been worse - a jewelry shop!). 
We wandered up to St.Peter's again thinking we might say a few last prayers, but the queue was almost as long as yesterday. So we tested God's hearing by offering them from the Square. Then we took an open topped bus for a tour of nearly two hours and got a few more pics and insights into this city's ancient past.

Castle Sant'Angelo and bridge over the Tiber
This is the church of Saint Mary of the Angels and is built incorporating the ruins of Roman baths and spa.

A nice villa in a nice neighborhood, near the Hotel Eden.

These ruins were in the vicinity of the Coliseum and the palace of various Caesars.

This place also incorporates ruins that look like the Colosseum but wasn't even mentioned by any of the guides.
Even the everyday streets hold numerous monuments and sculptures and are interesting just to sit and observe.  The city is also The City of  Dings which has nothing to do with bells. Nearly every car has some panel damage. Just in the one block from our B&B we saw a crash at one intersection whilst there was one being cleared from the next. Oh to be a tow truck operator in Rome !

Well it is time to say the final Ciao! A long trip to Singapore but looking forward to seeing our friends there and lying around in the hotel pool. 

Flight is 12 hours or so and we lose time so there won't be a blog tomorrow! 
Love to you all!
Poss and Pop

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