Friday, 1 August 2014

Visiting Aunt Eileen Uncle John and cousin.

Thingswall, Cheshire.

A rainy day for a change although not at all cold. The shorts got a rest as did the big brekkie and we started off to visit Eileen and John. First problem with modern technology is that the Sat/nav needs to recognize the address. No result when we punched in Colmere Drive or any variation of this name! No local map either which left the human navigator powerless to help. We eventually had to ring them and ask for their postcode which worked a treat and took us right to the door. Colmere drive suddenly materialized on the screen.
Better than a phone call!!!
Eileen and John were quickly out to greet us with open arms and open hearts. Lots of hugs and a few little tears as we were once again united. A cup of tea soon restored our normality and for the next several hours we swapped stories of our children and grandchildren and in their case great grandchildren. 

Poss even found time to try out Eileen's stair climbing chair.  She now has plans for asking for such a necessity to be installed at Notre Dame College. It is such a vital teaching aide (and will be a necessity if we continue to scoff pork pies!). Eileen is still getting by although her memory is becoming a worry for her. John is still reliant upon his hearing aids and a raised volume when conversing but by the by we all got on enjoyably.

At about 2:00pm Pauline (Pop's cousin) and her husband Keith arrived to take us all out to lunch. The Anchor Inn at Irby Village is the quintessential pub with the most relaxing atmosphere and comfortable furnishing. Good ales and fine food were consumed and John generously settled the tab before we even knew he hadn't gone off to the loo. We went to Pauline and Keith's house for coffee. The story of their grandson's birth is one which is stunning and miraculous. Little Adam was diagnosed in utero with a severe heart defect and the doctors were not hopeful he would even live for an hour if he survived the birth. With a priest on standby and the family gathered baby Adam was delivered. He was moved to a hospice ward soon after. But this little fighter did not fulfill the doctor's predictions and after a week and further tests, scans etc. they discovered that his tiny half a heart had started to grow. In fact it grew and grew so quickly that now 8 months later he has pretty much a normal heart and can face a normal life. Truly a miracle baby!

Pauline and Keith grandparents of Adam the miracle.

Tomorrow we change lodging closer into Wallasey and perhaps catch up with Dorothy (another of Pop's aunties).
We'll close with a mystery photo for you to scrutinize. Nearly every holiday album contains a photo that sets people puzzling over what it is or its significance. Here is the first mystery photo of the trip. Can you find the squirrel or it's home?

Love to you all, Poss and Pop

1 comment:

  1. John and Eileen look well and just how I remember when we visited last. I recall a very funny shot out the front of their house where Eileen stood on a box so I didn't look so tall. I also recall the light that came on when the phone rang to let John know! I hope you passed on my regards, oh how time flies... For the record, couldn't see the squirrel in the last shot... I suspect he's gone for a pint by now. Matt
